

We were tasked to create a performance using the most unconventional methods. We decided to approach this by trading instruments and play them like our original instruments.

Although we each had our own MAX MSP programming code for our own instruments, I will briefly go over how each instrument contributed to the piece. Alex programmed the XBOX Gametrack to control the underlying wobbling background. George used his voice to pitch change his whistle, creating a atmospheric melodic layer to the piece. Fiona used my cello to glissando and pizz the main motifs for our piece and hold some structure throughout the piece. She used delay and reverb to accent the importance of her role. I was in charge of playing the banjo with a cello bow. With this odd playing combonation, I created a melodic layer to give the piece more direction. Throughout the piece, we had cued timestamps Alex conducted us into.

This piece used a mono sound system. This was a project for my minor in Applied Music Technology at The University of British Columbia.
